Food Engineering Based on Indonesian Local Product (Case Study of Tempeh Sausages)

Dina Wulandari, Nur Komar, Sumardi Hadi Sumarlan


Tempeh has meat-like texture and potentially to subtitute animals protein from meat. Food quality of proceeding tempeh in sausage is expectable to be alternative sausage product development. Mathematical additive model is used with empiric approximation with variant of ingredients mixing is defined by two level albumine proportion (5% and 8%), and three level tapioca flour proportion (12%; 17%; 25%) to get good value mixing products. This study had been shown results that formulation of tempeh sausage by adding 25% tapioca flour and 8% albumine are choosen to have good quality toward physical characteristic such as 44.88% water-content (wet-basis) and 1.86 kgf/cm2 texture measurement, and volume expansion 18.76 cm3; chemical charateristic including 6.37% protein-content and 13.19% fat-content in average; also organoleptic test include average liked-scale of color 4.55, taste 5.30, flavour 5.40, and texture 5.95. Financial feasibility of manufacture obtain Cost of good manufacturing each sausage was Rp1,080.00. Sausage tempeh manufactured with sales price Rp1,296.00 would break-even at minimum revenue Rp154,388,402.53 or able to reach sales target minimum at 2.318 unit. Manufacture projecting on five years get the result of payback period as long as 3 years 5 month and 7 days. This manufactured estimate to be efficient and profitable accord with 1.20 Return Cost Ratio, explain that every Rp 1.00 investment can get Rp 1.20 revenue in exchange.

Keyword              : Mass Balance, Sausages, Tempeh.

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