Nurul Azizah Widyanastuti


Moringa oleifera’s has many advantages, for example water purification, cosmetic, medicine, frying oil, and biodiesel. Moringa oleifera usually use for food consumption and fence plants in Indonesia. The main of this research is study the effect of heating process for characteristic oil that made with hydraulic press process. The method used is mathematic additive model. The heating process with bake in oven and steaming. Whereas, time to heating use 5, 10, 15 minutes. Variable with third reapeting.

The result of this research time and heating process giving influence for product that made. Heating process and time giving influence for some analysis that doing, that is the first content 0.754% - 8.251%. Whereas after steaming process the product outcome is 15.205% - 17.029%. Free Fatty Acid percentage is 2.495% - 2.687%, acid point is 4.629% - 5.337%, refraction indexs 1.4689 - 1.4690, viscosity is 26.76 - 5.337, density is 0.884 - 0.981 gr/cm3, the colour of moringa oleifera oil is range from yellow until red. The average of moringa oleifera’s oil yield is 6.40% - 4.40%, and extraction grade is 13.592% - 159.463%.

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